Story So Far...

Falcon Coins Gallery, as we know it today, was founded by Mr. Manubhai Parekh in 1965. With an investment of Rs. 500, we started out as a stationary shop along with few Indian and Foreign coins.
His son, Kirti Parekh joined in 1973. He used to visit his father's shop after school and as his interest in coins developed, he started out as a collector with South Indian gold coins being his primary area of interest.
Early Growth
In 1986, the shop expanded from 15sq ft to 150 sq ft and in 2004, we became India's first coin shop of 800 sq ft. We started our own range of accessories under the brand name Money Tree TM in 2009 and over time it has become the most preferred numismatic accessories brand among the coin collectors.
Hardik Parekh, son of Kirti Parekh, joined the company in 2012. The admiration for perfection and the aesthetics of numismatics was already put into him by his father and so it was only a matter of time before he followed his father's footsteps. The capabilities of Falcon Coins Gallery are versatile and synergistic, which allows us to evolve to meet the changing market needs.

A new Leaf
In 2015, we started with educational programs with a view to inculcate numismatics as a hobby among the new generations. One-day seminars were conducted in schools, where in the students were taught the importance of coins with the help of PPT presentations which was followed by quiz sessions. In addition to the students, even the teachers at various institutions were briefed on the subject so that they could incorporate it in their class-teachings and motivate the hobby of collecting coins.
In 2018, we conducted NIDDHI, an International Seminar on South Indian Coins. We had participants from all over the world who have researched on South Indian Coins. Five scholars gave a speech on unexplored topics of the coins. This event was jointly done with the State Archaeology, which conducted a coin awareness program.
To infinity and beyond
For more than 50 years, we have been linked to this hobby with an enviable passion, and thus we have chosen to continue and transmit our passion with our new venture Falcon Auctions. We warmly welcome enquiries from all those wishing to buy or sell at the auctions.